Successful tee shots are going to be key to playing well at the 103rd PGA Championship. Back in 2012, Rory McIlroy used his driver to attack the Ocean Course and win the championship. He was not only long off the tee, but also able to control the ball flight in very windy conditions. Listen to PGA Coach Steve Scott as he describes two very simple keys that will help every golfer rip it like Rory.
A pivot is power in golf and nobody better exemplifies this than the longest hitters on tour. Steve’s simple strategy for a bigger pivot, or turn is to get the hands as far away from the body as possible in the backswing. Watch as he stretches his swing arc on the practice range at Kiawah.
Power is certainly important, but as Rory showed us, controlling your trajectory will be equally essential. During the downswing, Steve describes a feeling of bowing that lead wrist toward the target. A controlling move that lowers trajectory and increases control.
The closing holes in this year’s PGA Championship play into a prevailing wind. With a powerful pivot and a straightforward adjustment to that lead wrist, even the average golfer can drive the ball like this year’s eventual champion.
Read more here for tips, drills, and activities to help you play the game for life.